
Planting Tips For Beginners In Winter Season | Aplus Farms

Planting Tips For Beginners In Winter Season | Aplus Farms Planting tips for beginners, If planting seedlings directly into pots, fill with a mix of organic potting mix, adding around 20 per cent compost and 20 per cent manure co…

Mimosas (Golden Wattel) Farming in Backyard | Aplus Farms

Mimosas (Golden Wattel) Farming in Backyard | Aplus Farms For many people, wattles are a comforting symbol of Australia. We admire their rapid growth, golden balls of flowers and their distinct scent, and celebrate them as our na…

Pest and Disease Control July farm Gardens | Aplus Farms

Pest and Disease Control July farm Gardens | Aplus Farms "Winter cold helps pest and disease control in Backyard Farming" Pest and Disease Control - The Vegetable Farm Garden Pests and Diseases take a break over winter…

Winter Garden Maintenance | Aplus Farms

Winter Garden Maintenance | Aplus Farms "Crops are ripening and ready to harvest as warm days gradually get shorter and they slip into autumn." The Vegetable Garden Plan a harvest supper to celebrate the garden's bo…

What to Plant In August | Aplus Farms

What to Plant In August | Aplus Farms "Breath a huge sigh of relief this month as spring is in the air. Late winter is a changeable time. It can be the coldest month, but one that's peppered with bursts of warm, spring-l…

Autumn Garden Maintenace | Aplus Farms

Autumn Garden Maintenace | Aplus Farms "Shorter and cooler days mean it's time for harvesting and for autumn planting" The Vegetable Garden Top of the list for April is harvesting pumpkins.  Pumpkins Pumpkins are re…

Best Gardening Maintenance In February

Best Gardening Maintenance In February Garden in the cool of the day to stay on top of garden tasks Gardening Tips For Vegatables Garden In February Reduce mozzie numbers by regularly emptying water that's collected in contai…

Best Gardening Maintenance In January

Best Gardening Maintenance In January Enjoy the bounty of summer by harvesting fresh food daily Gardening Tips For Vegatables Garden In January Fruit fly becomes more active as summer progresses and crops ripen. Use organic fruit…

Late Winter Garden Maintenance In August

Late Winter Garden Maintenance In August  "The Weather is changebale but spring is close so it's time to prepare for a new growing season" Vegetable Garden Maintenance In August Make sure the frosts are well and tru…

Mid Winter Garden Maintenance In July

Mid Winter Garden Maintenance In July The weather doesn't always co-operate but colder months are a good time to work in the garden Vegetable Garden Maintenance In Mid Winter In very cold areas when the soil temperature falls…

How Frogs And Lizards Are Helpful In Organic Gardening

How Frogs And Lizards Are Helpful In Organic Gardening Nothing signifies a healthy garden more clearly than the presence of frogs and lizards. Skinks and lizards, whether darting about or sitting motionless in the sun waiting fo…

Natural First Aid For Gardening Plants In winter

Natural First Aid For Gardening Plants In winter "Winter gardening first aid that can stop your plants failing or falling off the twig entirely" One of the safest ways to combat plant diseases in the garden is to preven…

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