How To Do Organic Basil Herbs Farming In India

How To Do Organic Basil Herbs Farming In India

"Its Name comes from the Greek word for king, which is why basil will lend a regal touch to even the lowliest meal"

How To Do Organic Basil Herbs Farming In India

When basil is in full growth and scenting the garden with its large, slightly aniseed-smelling leaves, you know summer is here. Basil grows well while temperatures are warm, thriving in a sunny garden, in a raised vegetable garden or in a pot on a sunny windowsill.

It is a must-have herb for summer eating and is easy to grow from seed or seedling. Grow as much as you have room for and harvest large amounts to make into pesto, or pick a few leaves to garnish a salad or a sandwich. As well as tasting good, basil is also rich in vitamin A and C and contains calcium, iron and magnesium. It's also used for its antibacterial properties. 

Varieties In Basil Herbs Organic Farming

While annual basil (Ocimum basilicum) is the variety seen most often in gardens and even for sale in the fruit shop and supermarket and at markets. it's just one of a number of differently flavoured and scented basils available to add interest to the garden as well as your food.

Some of these other basils are varieties of O.basilicum while others are closely related species or hybrids. As well as providing a range of scents and flavours, some have coloured leaves and provide contrast in herb gardens or pots. To set off the bright green of annual basil, add a few basil varieties with darker-toned leaves such as 'Dark Opal' or purple basil (O.basilicum 'Purpurescens'). 

There are also basil leaves that have a stronger licorice flavour (O.basilicum 'Licorice') and others with more of a cinnamon scent (O.basilicum 'Cinnamon'). Lemon-scented basil —which, as its name suggests, has a delightful citrus scent — is a hybrid of annual basil and American basil. 

Some varieties also have small leaves and more compact growth than annual basil and its cultivars. Greek basil (O.obovatum) is a compact plant with small leaves that can be grown all year round in warm climates. 

For other basil plants that grow year round. look for Thai basil (O.basikcum var thyrsifolium) or holy basil (O.tenuifforum syn. O.sanctum), which have smaller leaves than annual basil and more cold tolerance. 

To set off the bright green of annual basil, add a few basil varieties with darker-toned leaves such as "Dark Opal" or Purple Basil"

Gradening Tips To Grow Lemon Myrtle Herbs Organically

Annual basil and its many varieties are herbs of the Mediterranean, so they thrive in well-drained soils. For a truly Mediterranean look, grow a basil plant in an old olive oil container; make drainage holes in the base and fill the container with a good-quality potting mix.

When planting and growing basil in the herb garden or vegetable bed, give it plenty of room as plants grow tall and bushy over summer. Space seedlings around 20-30cm apart. Plants can grow to around 50cm high.

To keep basil lush and producing lots of tasty leaves, liquid feed every two weeks and harvest regularly. These plants prefer hot conditions and struggle when the weather turns cold or if the soil is cool.

In cold climates, wait until nights and the soil are warm and all threat of frost has passed before starting seeds in the soil or planting out seedlings into the garden. In warm or tropical zones, grow basil as a dry-season annual. Asian basils grow better through the humid times of the year. 

Troubleshooting Tips To Grow Basil Herbs Farming Organically

There is little that goes wrong with basil. As long as it's growing in a warm, sunny spot sheltered from cold winds, it thrives. Indeed, in very hot areas basil tolerates a little afternoon shade. 

While the occasional caterpillar or grasshopper may have a nibble, generally its pungent scent keeps pests away from its leaves. Possums, however, can feast on basil. If these nocturnal visitors are a problem, grow basil in a pot and cover it at night. 

Occasionally, basil is attacked by downy mildew. This fungal disease usually attacks the stems, causing rot. If noticed, simply remove diseased plants. If conditions are still warm, sow more seed or plant more seedlings elsewhere in the garden. 

While insects tend to avoid basil leaves, the flowers are another story. As basil is grown for its leaves. the flowers are often removed as soon as they begin to appear in midsummer. 

The spires of white basil flowers are magnets for all sorts of insects, particularly beneficial ones. Pollinators such as bees and wasps and predatory insects after nectar are attracted to basil flowers.

Allow some plants to form flowers to bring beneficial insects to the garden. They'll repay your kindness by cleaning up pest insects or fertilising fruiting crops.

"Basil prefers hot conditions and struggles when the weather turns cold or if the soil is cool"

Harvesting, Storing And Preserving Of Basil Herbs

Harvest basil regularly to keep it leafy and productive. Pick leaves or small sprigs to enjoy in salads, pizza or pasta dishes. Basil is a traditional and tasty accompaniment to tomato (fresh or cooked). 

When the plants begin to produce spires of white flowers they are coming to the end of their lifespan.Pick the stems to use the leaves for making pesto. To make traditional pesto, blend basil leaves with pine nuts, garlic, olive oil and Parmesan cheese. 

Use leaves fresh or as pesto soon after harvest as they quickly lose flavour when cooked or dried. The leaves also bruise readily, which is why it's recommended to tear rather than chop basil before using it as a garnish. 

To store basil for a few days, keep it in a plastic bag in the crisper section of the fridge. Basil leaves can also be blanched and frozen or dried (but they will lose some of their flavour).Basil will continue to grow until the cold weather arrives. 


Although basil is very quick and easy to grow from seed, in the peak of summer basil grows readily from cuttings.

Scientific Details Of Basil Herbs

  • Common name: Basil, sweet basil 
  • Botanic name: Ocimum basilicum 
  • Family: Lamiaceae (mint family) 
  • Aspect a soli: Sun; well-drained soil 
  • Climate: Tropics, subtropics, temperate, Mediterranean, cool 
  • Habit: Annual herb 
  • Propagation: Seed, seedling 
  • Difficulty: Easy

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